Author page: Philip

Peer Support in Non-Anglophone Countries: A Webinar for Stakeholders in Germany and Israel

The recordings of the webinars can now be viewed in our output area in the section “videos”!     Peer support is increasingly being recognised as a best practice intervention for rights-based, recovery-oriented mental health care around the world. However, much of the evidence for peer support comes from Anglophone…

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First protocol published in Annals of Global Health

Our publication “Using Peer Support in Developing Empowering Mental Health Services (UPSIDES): Background, Rationale and Methodology” has been published in Annals of Global Health. It proves an excellent overview of the methods and objectives we plan to establish during the UPSIDES project. Find the publication in our output-section or on…

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UPSIDES has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 779263. This website reflects only the authors’ view. The Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Participating in MHIN – a global community of mental health innovators:

Participating in GACD – the leading research collaboration on chronic diseases worldwide:


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